
Eagles overhead, Snow on the ground, it’s Springtime!

A couple of weeks ago I had the most amazing experience. I was outside in the yard with the girl, standing close to the house in the yard with our big old dog when suddenly I heard the girl whisper with intensity “mom, mom, mom, look up”, and when I did I was astounded. Soaring maybe 10 feet over my head was a golden eagle. I have never been that close to one “in the wild”, and certainly never thought one would come down into the yard like that, but man it was cool and scary and inspiring and beautiful.

Since then, spring has officially arrived on the ranch. I’ve seen both golden and bald eagles everywhere, there are gophers poking around, the calves are being born, and of course – it’s snowing (and snowing, and snowing, and still snowing) which means much needed moisture on the ground.

I am so grateful to be able to live with nature at my doorstep (and sometimes trying to get inside the house – sometime I’ll tell my “bears on the roof stories”), it brings me peace and provides harmony to my soul. There is beauty and love in the universe waiting to be witnessed and embraced.

These photos were all taken with my iphone – how about that for some lucky eagle sightings!?!


Silent Night

Silent Night has always been one of my favourite songs. Partly because I love how we sing it at the candlelight service on Christmas Eve, but mostly because of Mrs. Taylor who used to look after me when I was a baby. I remember her singing both Silent Night and Jesus Loves Me over and over when I was a little one. I remember her giving me a sugar cube when I got bucked off my first horse when I was around 3 (it was a toy horse on springs that ran off on me and bucked me onto the cement floor of our unfinished basement). Mom used to complain that all Mrs Taylor would do was come over and hold the baby, leaving her to do everything else. But I always loved that lady who loved holding the baby (me).

Sinéad O’Connor has long been someone I’ve admired. Her voice is angelic, I remember as a teenager the first time I heard her sing I had body shivers. I don’t want to talk too much about her here (although I have so much to say about her), but I do want to say this. She was right. About everything. People thought she was crazy, but she stood in her truth.

I came across Sinéad’s version of Silent Night the other day and I can’t listen to it enough. Her voice, that song, it combines into something that brings me closer to God. How have I never heard her version before? Sleep in Heavenly Peace Sinéad.


Back to the basics

I started this blog 8.5 years ago (ish) on my 44th birthday as a way of tracking my search for happiness. I was so lost then, living in what was not only an unhappy marriage but a dangerous one as well. I was desperately seeking comfort, safety…. Happiness I suppose was the word I chose for what I was seeking. Freedom would have been a better word. Inner Freedom would have been a better phrase. But I only knew what I knew at the time, so I was seeking happiness.

I started out with looking for one happiness moment a day. Just one. Sometimes it was a huge stretch for me to find one moment where I could even consider there to be some joy. But I did it, and slowly my world brightened a bit. And as it is with healing it darkened, then brightened, then had a hail storm, a hurricane, and a Landslide (Thank you Stevie Nicks). But it’s also had sunshine days, rainbows, and literal puppies and kittens (thank you God for animals).

I have looked extensively outside for happiness. Then I learned happiness is an inside job. So then I looked extensively inside for happiness. Spoiler alert – if you haven’t done your work it’s almost impossible to find. Back outside for proof of inner happiness. Ugh that does not work. I studied my family, learned so much about my history, studied psychology, learned so much about myself and my family. Cried. Broke down. Picked myself up. Wrote. Deleted what I wrote. On and on.

I was going to end this blog. I’ve debated it for several months, but I can’t bring myself to do that. It’s like a little baby I’ve nurtured, neglected, and abused (in the sense that I’ve used it for things other than the original intended purpose). I didn’t want to also abandon it. All these years of sorting myself out.

I’ve discovered the path to the happiness I have been seeking. I think part of the reason it took me so long to find was I was seeking “happiness” when really I was seeking “inner freedom” as I mentioned. Happiness sounded like something really simple that could be found or created. Inner Freedom has turned out to be a real bitch to explore in the sense that it has required me to work through all of my shit. Childhood trauma, adolescent trauma, shitty fucking abusive marriage, addiction, raising children in that shitty fucking abusive marriage and how that became their childhood trauma, living in this overwhelming hoard, dealing with all of my shifty emotions. Working through all of it and dealing with the consequences no matter how uncomfortable or painful or undesirable they are – that’s the path. Just keep swimming. Just keep working at it. Just keep holding onto your truth, to who you are, the whole ugly beautiful embarrassing lovable mess. And stop listening to the opinions of people who don’t give a shit about you but to whom you only represent an inconvenience to their comfort.

In the words of Tom Petty:

Well I know what’s right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
But I’ll stand my ground
And I won’t back down


There really isn’t much chance of my getting into Stanford (FGK 275)

Spoiler alert: Mom went to Stanford and had the time of her life. Apparently it only cost 7 cents to air mail this gem from San Diego to the ranch in 1959.

University of Sam Diego College for Women


Dear Mom, Dad and Marsh;

First: Official recognition of all your letters, and I’m glad we’re in the social register even though I think it’s a terribly snobby idea.

I usually type off the letters just before class or something like that and don’t bother to look at your letter as I do it but I think I’ve received all of them.

I got a letter from occidental last Saturday and they said they thought there was too many stairs for me there. That leaves just Redlands and Stanford. I hate to put in that $50 to Redlands until I hear something definite from Stanford as I don’t think I would get it back if I changed my mind about going. There really isn’t much chance of my getting into Stanford but if I was accepted there that would be the place I’d go. I should hear from them in the next week or so. It sounds as though I am already on the waiting list at Redlands so it wouldn’t make that much difference to wait a bit.

I finally got my English term paper done over the weekend. It was 24 typewritten pages. My other one is due on Friday and I haven’t even got going on it yet. I’ll be glad when all this is over.

One of the seniors might sell me her typewriter. She hardly ever types and it is in very good condition. She hasn’t decided how much to charge yet but if it isn’t too much, I think I’ll buy it. this one never was too good and it is getting worse. The keys keep sticking and they are too close. (As a reader I can vouch for this- there are some weird things going on with her old typewriter)

If I get accepted at Stanford, I think I’ll home by S.F. And stop to look over the campus. If I don’t, I’ll enquire about that next route. It sounds as if it might be cheaper.

I guess that’s all the news for now.

Write often

Love Margi

PS They asked me to fill out my schedule here for next year so I did.


That Tough Town of Cochrane (FGK 274)

If I was awake and at work at 4am I’d also be posting the time in the letter. I love her letter writing digs – as I’ve mentioned Auntie Sheila was always consistent about writing me letters when I was younger and away and I see now why it was so important. I wish I’d been better about writing back. Her story about getting sick on Chinese food reminded me of a time when we met at my cousin’s place for sushi and I believe it was her first time trying it. We had explained what each type/piece was and she so graciously chose some and ate it all. After she very quietly came up to me and asked what had been the green wrapping around the outside of the sushi and I told her it was seaweed. She had this look of intense relief on her face and told me that she had thought it was snake skin. I remember thinking “and you ate it anyway???” Two things: I respected her so, so, so much for gamely eating something that we all seemed to be enjoying. And secondly I love my family, but if they try to feed me snake skin I’m out. I did learn a lot about dignity and class from that interaction though and it’s stuck with me for years.

It’s funny how for the very first part of our life we want to be taken as older, and then suddenly one day it switches and we want to be perceived as younger.

I should add, this letter was addressed to my grandparents

Vulcan Municipal Hospital

Vulcan, Alta

15 Jan 1957 4:00 am


I’m sorry I forgot to thank you for the food and picture. Everybody thinks Margie looks older than me and she does, it’s sure a good one of her anyway. Haven’t heard from her for about a month now I’ve only had one letter from her since I’ve been here but that’s better than what my other sibling’s done. How about it Marsh.

The food didn’t last long, the shortbread toasted pretty good from what I had of it. Miss Sissons ate most of the Christmas cake.

There’s a darn baby in the nursery that’s been hollering it’s fool head off all nite. It’s been fed, burped, and changed. I’m getting very exasperated.

Went to Calgary Thursday and visited everybody. I meant to phone you but couldn’t get around to it. Met Grace and Mort uptown Thurs afternoon and then I stayed with Kathy and Barb that nite. Kathy, Barb, Lois, Kathy’s sister and I went to the show that nite.

Lois crawled into bed with me Friday morning (she was on nites) and then I went down to see Dawn that afternoon (she’s on 4-12). Caught the bus at 5am with Lorraine (she was going to High River). Anne met the bus here and I’ve been working nites (12-8) ever since.

Ted and I went to the show at Nanton on Sat nite but after we got there we found out there was no show so we sat in a restaurant for a couple of hours. We met some people there and talked. Came back to Vulcan and sat in this restaurant for another couple of hours and talked with some characters. They’re going to start charging rent pretty soon ‘cause all we have is coffee.

I wanted to go fishing in Lake MacGregor on Sun but I was informed that it was illegal to fish on Sun. So had a Chinese supper instead. Had chicken chow mein and got deathly sick. I think the meat must have been bad. Went to Arrowwood and I had a ginger ale at Delphines to see if that would settle my stomach. Helped a little but not much. Then I got angry because there was a bunch of of people in there teasing me about that tough town of Cochrane and having to have police protection when you go to visit the Copithornes so I left.

I get this weekend off. I’m going to a dance at Mossleigh Fri nite, staying at Burgers overnight and then coming to Calgary on Sat. Ted wants to buy a suit and Marg wants to pick out bridesmaids dresses so I’ll be pretty busy. Guess we’ll be coming home Sat nite if that’s all right with you.

Well must get busy now so will see you Sat.

Love, Sheila


Swimming, School, and Star Wars Day(FGK 273)

Happy Star Wars Day! Here’s a letter written on this day 65 years ago, ages before Star Wars arrived on the scene. May the Fourth Be With You

It amazes me all of the things mom was doing. As a child I remember going family swimming and it was quite a production – just the logistics of getting mom ready and then safely in the pool and then dad held her the whole time. How did she manage swimming then? My goodness she had a lot of courage. On a completely different note I also used to love the smell of the magnolia tree we had in our yard. I also often think of the poor fig trees I had to abandon. Gosh I loved those trees. I cared for them as inside/outside plants in Rhode Island and when we moved to Virginia we put them in the ground and man did they ever grow!! Mom’s blasé comment about the poor man washing up – can you tell she’s a farm kid?

32 Dix Ave

Ormond Beach

May 4, 1958


We’ve had a terrific weekend weather wise. I’ve spent most of it at home studying however. I have spent every night of the past weekend studying late. I had to have the first draft of my valedictory address finished by Friday. By the way thanks for your offer to help, but Col. Sampson would kill me if i just got up and said a little speech like the one you enclosed. This has to be ten to fifteen minutes long on some learned (ahem) subject!! This is killing me, but at lest I’ve got most of it written.

Also – correction – I wasn’t chosen to be it. It’s just the result of living at Webb, and not going out too much so I didn’t have anything to do but study and got the highest average in the senior class. Now I wish I hadn’t. (I mean it kind of sounds to me like she was chosen…. And also good job mom!!)

Adams invited me to go swimming at the country club with them yesterday but I couldn’t. It sure was tempting though as it is so warm out. The beach looks so nice although the body of an airman washed up on the Broadway approach last week. Just the chance you have to take in the ocean I guess, you’re liable to run into anything!

Last Friday night the seniors all met over at Vic’s motel on the ocean. There was a full moon and it looked fabulous over the ocean. As it was so warm we all went swimming in his lighted pool then Mr Bailey invited us over to his house, with the Sampsons, to listen to records and to eat. It was quite an evening.

This morning Shirley and I went to the Mormon church in Daytona. We’ve both decided we’ll never be Mormons, but it was interesting. One guy about 20 got up there and started crying while giving his testimony. I never felt so uncomfortable but everyone else took it as a matter of course. It lasted for about 2 hours and the chairs were really hard but they don’t stand up for their hymns luckily for me.

Never mind the information on Lord Byron. I’ve finished him and Shelly and am now on Wordsworth. I have to have Coleridge and Keats finished by the 16th plus an extra 500-6– word essay.

I don’t know what to tell you about Adams’ invitation. Mrs Webb has asked you too you know. Although it would be more expensive, I think you would be freer in a hotel where you could come and go as you please but that’s up to you.

I think Col Sampson is looking forward to talking to you when you come down. He is emphatically against my going to San Diego. He says I’m the type that would do better in a coed atmosphere and being a strong Protestant he thinks they would try to change my religion. I’m beginning to feel like a ping pong ball being batted between the two.

I was making a speech in school the other day and I started laughing in it! I wasn’t even that bad in drama class.

Barb went to a formal dance last night. She got a new floor-length dress and looked quite nice in it.

I can’t think of any exciting news for now so I guess I’ll say goodbye

Love Margie

PS Our magnolia tree is blooming like mad. I love their smell.


Christmas letters from Florida friends 1957 (FGK 272)

I’m back, up and running!! My site crashed and like most things after taking a break from each other I managed to fix it today. Nothing like a fresh mind to look at things differently. To say the least.

I’m not sure who this letter is from. It seems like an adult in mom’s world while she was in Florida at school. I must be out of practice, this handwriting was a bit harder for me and a lot of it seems like we are missing the context – but it’s still interesting. You know, I love the convenience of text. In fact, if you know me well you know that I very rarely answer my phone or check voice mail as often as I should. Texting (or even email) though great for some things really doesn’t cut it the way these letters do. I love hearing about the normal lives of normal people.


December 26, 1957

Dear Margaret

Thank you so much for the beautiful sweater you gave me for Christmas. It is just lovely. Bob? And I had a real nice day and often my thoughts were of you and know you too must have been happy to be at home with your loved ones for Christmas.

I do hope you are feeling much better and fully recovered from your cold.

I appreciate too the telegram received here almost 10:45, just before we left for church and also your call from Tampa – it was worth a million to hear your voice from there.

I took the gift to Mrs Franks. She said she’ll get in touch with you. Your crutch top came and other packages and several cards.

Nancy called each day for news of your arrival and I’ve relayed it as I’ve received it.

The Ray Logans, 212 W Comstock Ave, Winter Park came Sunday and we visited for a couple of hours – I promised I’d take you over to see them when we go to Orlando

Love, Mrs Webb

December 26, 1957

Dear Edna and Perc

Happy Holidays to al and many thanks for the first you sent ______ and I. The pin is beautiful and first I’ve ever seen like it and know I’ll always treasure it.

I felt so sorry for you the week before Margi left. I guess you couldn’t understand all the changes until Marg was there to explain. She was wonderful tho and calm as could be even though I know she wasn’t well at all and I worried that the trip would be too exhausting. But she’s got a lot of pluck and stamina to fix most anything .

Bob and I had a nice Christmas spending the eve with _______ and picking her up at 10 and then we had Christmas dinner at ______ and we all picked her up last eve. She didn’t seem to mind working and said they were very funny.

The Logan’s were here to see Marg. They were friends you met in Florida and she’d for you. They are a lovely couple. I’ll drop a line later as a friend is here to take me to her house.

Thank you

Love, Anne


The Wild Winds Blew My Hat Off and Ruined my Hairdo (FGK 271)

Lovely stream of thought kind of letter from Grandma. Can certainly tell that her life and responsibilities have changed somewhat as kids have grown and she’s finally become the person I knew her as – “Grandma”. I laughed so hard at her comment about her hair being ruined – her hair routine was something else and she always looked so well put together. And it seems as though we’ve entered the era where my mom met my dad.

I’m not sure if her comment about buying plant food actually belonged in the letter or if she was making a note to herself and it ended up in here. Either way – if you knew my Grandma you know she had an amazing green thumb and the African Violets bloomed frequently here in the kitchen.

RR2 Calgary, Alberta

October 9th 1965

Dear Margi:

Aren’t you lucky you can plan to annoy the thanksgiving weekend? I know you work hard and deserve it, but this business we’re in is just the limit, when can we ever plan to do anything? This past week has been perfect weather for drying the crops, then it rained all night last night and is dull today. Don got his combine out here and started to combine yesterday and Marshall went to town and rented a combine and brought it out and they both worked till long after dark but there are so many mud holes to get stuck in they just can’t work at night. We’re beginning to wonder if we will ever rescue our lovely crop. I am alone all day today, they have gone to Grand Valley to ??ruline?? The cows. Wish we could have a dinner tomorrow but if the sun shines at all they will all be working like mad so I’d better not prepare one.

I’ve just wrapped Dixie’s birthday present so that (I hope) it will get to her in time. I’m sure disappointed in the mess I made of yours. Because of the fine weather I was just horribly rushed and busy when I should heaven looking after your gift, andI’m just afraid it didn’t reach you on time. I wanted to phone you all day Wednesday, but $$$$.

Was so glad to get your letter last mail but no flowers ever arrived Marg. Hope you can get your money back and thanks ever so much for thinking of me that way. I really just feel it would just be lovely if the three of you got together and left an order in one of the florists for one bouquet from all 3 of you after this. I do appreciate flowers so much and just the symbol that you care means so much. I know that is weak of me but I can’t help it, they give me such a boost.

Aunt Ethel wants me to go cranberry picking with her tomorrow, guess I’ll go if the sun shines. Was out riding with Dad and Marsh Wednesday morning, it rained twice but the sun came out and dried me as fast as the showers came up. However, the wild winds blew my hat off and ruined my hair-do and I won’t be able to get a fresh one till Tuesday.

I think I will join the Allied Arts this year instead of taking art in Cochrane. They offer so many courses when you are a member and there are some on Tuesday afternoon from 1 to 3pm which should suit me. Also you have the chance of getting so many good concerts etc too. I’m also contemplating offering my service in volunteer work in the new Foothills Hospital it is only 15 or 20 minutes drive from here and i could help for an hour or two once a week. Dad doesn’t approve of this so much, he doesn’t realize that the work wouldn’t be hard I guess. What do you think Margi?

Fred was out for a visit the other night, he was wanting Marsh to go to Shuswap this weekend. They are having a terribly nasty hot mayoralty campaign in Calgary, and Fred is afraid PHR Morrison is going to become mayor. Do you remember him? He is quite nasty. I hope he doesn’t win because I feel a mayor should be a good-will ambassador and he is just the very opposite. Did you have a visit from good ole Aunt Flo? She phoned up wanting your address and Marsh was really in a spot. He gave it to her roughly.

Can’t you get on TV or something so we can see you? Glad to hear you got a new pink dress, pink will really suit you with that hair do. They say silver is a really fashionable colour to wear this year. I saw a girl in town last time I was in and she had false eyelashes on about 1 inch so I hope you turn those into the “Bay” in Toronto and collect your money, they assured me you could do that. It was very foolish of me to do that but I was so rushed I wasn’t thinking clearly. Say hello to Sue and Ned for me, I’d like to see Micheal. I’d like to see Lynn Burger too, she’ll be worn up before we get down if we don’t soon hurry.

I hope you have a lovely time out at Ramsay’s and I certainly hope you don’t make any more work for Mrs. Ramsay. Try hard to think of ways to help her.

I got my fur coat so that I could wear it the night we dined at the Calgary Inn. September 27th was so cold, but I didn’t get a hat like he promised me because they had such a poor selection, and were getting more in. Maybe I’ll write more before I have a chance to post, this will close for me

love Mom

Buy a tin of plant food for the violets

Monday morning:

Dad and I had a lovely day down at Sheila’s . The baby is the cutest and best baby I’ve ever seen, large blue eyes. It is nice here today but so far too wet to work. Fred and Ginger were out and took Marshall with them – fishing or something. Had a crowd for morning tea and am waiting for the men to come to dinner now. Aunt Ethel wanted me to go cranberry picking but thought I should stay home as I have to take the car in for an overhaul tomorrow all day. Hope your car is ok and that you got your snow tires for your birthday. I am going in for a general check up with Dr Morgan Friday afternoon and the dentist in the morning. Well the men are in now so I’ll have to close

Lots of Love



Aunt Gertie living in a Disney Movie (FGK 270)

I imagine Aunt Gertie in a Disney movie kind of scenario as she describes her boat ride. Not the scary traumatic parts of Disney movies (why Disney why?) but more the skipping along singing with the animals who are your best friends (of course until the gun came out haha).

There is an art to letter writing and Aunt Gertie had it. So did Grandma and several other women who would send mom letters while she was in the hospital. This one would have been sent when mom was almost 13 and had been in the hospital for almost 2 years.

Cochrane, Alberta

August 9, 1953

Dear Margie:

I’ve just returned from a most enjoyable boat ride. After supper we saw the lake was smooth as glass and it looked so inviting we decided to go for a row. Tow families of ducks swam around us and many flocks of large ducks circled overhead. Once a large heron swooped gracefully down and landed at the water’s edge. It stood there for a long time watching us. Suddenly we saw muskrats swimming about in all directions. George had his gun along so a hot chase ensured. Teddy, the dog, was in the boat with us. He got so excited when one passed close by that he jumped overboard and tried hard to catch it. George’s gun started popping and I had to constantly duck dropping shells. He got two, but there are ever so many in the lake. We’ll have to get them as they are again tunnelling into the dam. We stayed on the lake till the last rosy rays of the sunset reflected on the water and the mists began to rise. I love the evenings when the work is done and a peace and quiet envelopes the countryside and the birds and animals make such sleepy comfortable sounds as they settle down to rest. Life seems especially good and rich.

This last week we finished stacking the wild hay and started using the bailer on the tame hay. Davie runs the side delivery rake, Lawrence drives the “cat” that pulls the baler. George piles the bales on the stone boat and dumps them in big piles. The girls and I take out the afternoon tea and stay awhile to watch. It is rather fascinating to watch.

One day as George and I went to Cochrane we took the “Lovers Road”. We came across a group of Hollywood people making a movie shot with the farmers collie “Lassie”. The dog certainly is a beautiful golden colour with a Snow White ruff. It was fun coming across these movie folk so unexpectedly.

Today George and the boys went riding to see how the cattle were faring. When they returned, George gave me the most beautiful bouquet of pink roses he had picked. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a rich rosy colour as these had and their perfume was grand. I just couldn’t stop smelling them.

Our Indian helpers have gone back to Morley now. The day before they left they all came for tea. There were 21 counting the papooses and older children. I fed them on the lawn and there were so many of them. Afterwards they asked to see me work my new sewing machine. They crowded round me so closely I could scarcely move and their eyes grew large with interest and amazement as they saw me move numerous levers and make many pretty designs and button holes. When I was done I gave the compile to the old grandmother and she hugged it tightly to her breast and said she intended to put it on her wall. They are such simple and happy people. They really enjoy life.

One day Tom Kaquitts(?) was here for tea. He asked me for a piece of string and measured my foot for a pair of moccasins. I’ve given him the odd pound of butter so I guess he just wanted to show me he appreciated it. I’m quite thrilled to be getting a pair of moccasins as I’ve never had any before. Bet folks will smell me coming for a while as that willow smoke they tan the least her with sure penetrates.

My mother is going east to Toronto and vicinity on Labour Day. She and Roger are going by plane. It will be a nice change for her and she will see some beautiful autumn scenery. The sugar maple there take on such brilliant hues.

We were all so thrilled to hear that the nurses are letting you stand up once in a while. One day they will have you taking steps and you will have the greatest thrill of your life.

Week before last we had Bonnie Macombe stay with us. Her daddy sold us our sewing machine. She and Mary had a grand time riding, braiding, going to the field and playing house under the spruce trees. They had their table and chairs there and had spruce needles and cones for their tea. It was fun to listen in on their conversation.

Bonnie’s home is right across from Ernie Dunford’s and is really lovely inside. I haven’t been in any new homes till I saw theirs and Ernie’s. They are different from ours and have every convenience I’ve ever read or heard about. Both the houses command marvellous views of the city and no one can build in front to spoil the view. At night the myriad lights must resemble the stars above.

Did you know that Erie(?) and Georgie have a baby boy? They are very proud of him. I saw the lovely bassinet Georgie made. It sits high on a pedestal and is lined with quilted plastic. The outside is cornered with fluffy white frills and has a wide ribbon and bows on the sides. Georgie enjoyed making it I’m sure.

Well Margie, I must get to bed. Tomorrow is voting day so I’d better be able to rise and shine at an early hour to get down to the poling booth. We all send our love and best wishes. Keep up the good work Margie.

Love, Aunt Gertie


Do you want some Badger Skin Rugs? (FGK 269)

Yesterday I was in the basement of the cottage getting ready for the furnace guy and as I was leaving I glanced on a shelf – one that I’ve passed countless times (as seems to be the case with these discoveries). There was a box full of “congratulations on having your first baby” cards. Me, being the first baby, grabbed the cards curious to see what they were. Tons of congratulations cards for mom and dad on my spectacular arrival and some letters. I swear these letters just find me. So here’s one from Grandma to my parents while they were living in Toronto (they were married in August of 1967 and then moved to Calgary not too long after). I’m very glad Grandma scouted out that neighbourhood that was close to the university as that was our home for years.

RR2 Calgary, Alberta

Dec. 29th, 1967

Dear John and Margi:

Guess what we have? And oh how I wish I could share it with you. Yesterday the CNR phoned out to say that a case of fruit had just arrived for us from Florida. The Ollendikes sent it. My! Is it good.

The Rosedale community club where Aunt Nan and Uncle Jack live, had chartered a bus for seeing the Christmas lights display last night so Dad and I went with Kumlin’s and several others. We thoroughly enjoyed it but it snowed late at night when we were driving home.

Well, where do I start to describe Christmas? It’s so long since I’ve written to you. Your lovely big box of presents arrived the Thursday before Christmas and I got them all distributed before the big day. Thank you ever so much for those wood carvings. Everyone raves about that comical figure you gave Dad. You couldn’t look at it without getting a lift, it’s so optimistic looking. They are both treasures of art, we are very pleased with them.

I hope you were well for the Christmas holidays Marg. You seem to be getting too many colds, I’ll be glad when you get out of that smoggy atmosphere. Just after I phoned you, a man phoned and when I lifted the receiver, someone started rapping on the back door so in the ??smozzel?? I didn’t get his name but he was phoning for the firm of “Nesbit, Beaumont, Proctor, and Church” in Calgary and they want you, Marg, to go and work there for them. They are going to write to you. Guess the church would be Bob’s brother eh?

Dad and I had a lovely visit down at Arrowwood, saw the big school concert which was very good and really is quite large, they bus the children from so far. One third of the students are Blood Indian. Dixie and Betty did well.

Then Christmas morning they came up and had a little Christmas with Ted’s mother (who insisted on working in the hospital that day) and then came here and opened more parcels. Then we all went to Marshall’s and just ate far too much, Walter was there and Trudy’s friends E____? And Hughie Wallace and their tiny baby, and Mrs May was there. Evie?? And Hughie gave me a beautiful pair of long black leather gloves – the kind her mother manufactures “Paris”. Trudy and Marsh gave me writing paper- forgot to use it this time but will next letter. Ted and Sheila gave me a blouse but I’ll have to take it in, it’s too small. I really got everything I hinted for and then some. It was a beautiful Christmas. The Saturday night, 30th, it snowed a light frosty snow and covered the tree and willows like they were dipped in crushed diamonds. We drove to church in Cochrane Sunday night and the country was so beautiful in the bluish moonlight. Trudy sang in our church. Just as the last peel of the church bell faded away she opened the vestry door and stood there alone and sang “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel” with no accompaniment. Her voice filled the church to the highest rafter in that vaulted ceiling. It was just magnificent and then later Aileen accompanied her on the piano for “Oh Holy Night.” I wish now I’d got a recording of it.

We have had a lot of snow, nearly every day. Dad is sure swearing at it, it’s so hard for the cows to rustle the grass, they have to haul pellets of ???? Every day. Dad has caught and skinned 4 badgers and now doesn’t know what to do with them. Do you want some badger-skin rugs?

Harry and Agnes and Ethel have all gone to the coast for a trip. We miss them. Nan and Jack fly to Hawaii on Jan. 10th. When we were on the tour last night, I saw several homes I’d like to give you for a present, especially in the new area near the university where you can see the mountains. We’re so happy to have you coming to Calgary. You are entirely welcome to use our place as long as you want to – the longest the better we’ll like it.

I got a nice card and note from Sue and Ted this year. Rob Thompson and Valerie Hunt are coming out to our New Year’s Eve party in the hall. They seemed to enjoy Christmas in Toronto.

Well, I must close now. I sure hope everyone is well in your family circle there. We are all in good health here.

lots of love from

Mom xxxx

PS. Just opened the envelope to add a few more lines. Was talking to Winnie this am and she said she put her Dad in hospital yesterday afternoon. He seemed sick and so low in spirits and wanted to go to hospital.

I hope to go in for groceries and a hair-do this afternoon, am waiting for Dad to come in for lunch. Got a really good light-orange-dessert recipe from Winnie, hope to have roast duck with chestnuts for New Year’s dinner, maybe avocado cocktail and this dessert. Sometime buy yourself a package of Sherriff’s scalloped potato’s either plain or with cheese sauce and cook a canned or fresh ham, they go well together and are really good. Must go now, but I’ll write soon again.

I’ve ordered flowers for Uncle Jack.

This was included in Grandma’s letter
My welcome to the world card from my aunt, uncle, and cousins.