My, it seems Grandma had a few suitors. Good on the man who sent her chocolates, but thankfully Grandpa sent her stationary so she could keep writing him. Practical.
512 Cooper St. Ottawa
January 13, 1930
Dear Papa:
I received your letter a few days ago but never seem to have a chance to do much writing. I enjoyed Xmas after all. Dalton phoned up early Xmas morning asking if I would like to go in so they came out for me in Roy Kennedy’s car (That is Gertie’s husband). Jim was there too, there was 14 of us for dinner. The girls were awfully nice with me then and they all couldn’t treat me nicer. I guess they were just shy at first. They want me to go straight back there when I leave Ottawa and stay a few weeks with them. I sure like Ottawa though and am having a grand time here. If I can get a job here I think I will stay in Ottawa. It’s a beautiful city and the people are sure full of fun. We went all through the Parliament Buildings. They sure are wonderful, I saw where Bennet sits etc. the Strutts are all conservatives. We also went through the museum and saw a lot of skeletons from Red Deer. Harrison drove us over to Hull and Alymer in Quebec one day. We drove across a mile long bridge to get there. We saw Snake River on the way down to Ottawa and the house where Ruth was born. While we were at Hull we saw the Eddie Match factories, they seemed about a mile long.
The weather was pretty cold the first couple of weeks, but since then it has been thawing and raining ever since with one or two cold nights once in a while. They are expecting it to turn cold now anytime s they haven’t had the real winter weather yet. The snow isn’t as deep as I expected it would be, they seem to use a lot of horses here, they use so many sleighs in the winter time. There’s two big dairies near here and they have a lot of big grey Percheron teams just like those from Acme. I often see them. How are all the horses? Strutts have a car, Harrison drives it all the time and takes us out often. Momma went back to Aunt Betsey’s a week ago last Saturday and I guess I’ll head back out the end of this week.
They have about 17 canaries here and some of them will soon be hatching young ones. They sure are lovely singers. Did you go to Beadle’s for the Turkey dinner? How is old Tom and Beadles? O. Fenton sent me a box of chocolates for Xmas, and Percy sent a writing case, and _______ a box of hankies, and Harry Johnson sent me a big box of writing paper and Bill M sent me a silver powder case with a satin cushion top.
If you see Ore Fenton will you thank him for me for the chocolates?
You were asking what I think about taking that farm at Olds. I think that 560 acres is too big a place for a man your age to take on. You need a tractor to do the work on a farm like that and why do they want to sell when the ground is all ready for another crop? Of course Olds is a good country and if they didn’t want too much for it, it might be a good idea to take it on shares with someone.
Well I want to go downtown this afternoon so I had better close now. I find it hard to find time to sit down and write a long letter wand they never go to bed before 1 o’clock at night. I’m sure having lots of fun here and hope you don’t find it too lonely. I wish you could sell out and come East now.
Well good-bye for now
With love
From Edna.